Green Initiatives
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The Perspective Plan of our college is shaped based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 2015. Green initiatives of our college are aimed at supporting the sustainable development of our nation through our humble contribution to that end. The following are the green initiatives of our college during the period 2017-22.
- Ban on the use of single use plastic in the campus and canteen.
- Optimal utilization of resources by creating centralized / shared facilities instead of creation of facilities with sub-optimal utilization by individual / units of the college.
- Upgradation/ repair of existing equipment / computer instead of new purchase, if feasible.
- Managing organic waste in-house with vermicomposting technique.
- Installation of 25 KW Solar power plant in the institution-The college is currently sourcing 6.9% of its energy needs locally from clean energy sources.
- Miyawaki forest, Glass house and Spirulina cultivation facility to offset the carbon footprint of the college.
- LED and energy efficient / equipment for newer requirements.
- Tree plantation in the campus.
- Energy Audit, Green Audit and Environment Audit to take corrective measures for improving the carbon footprint of the institution.
1. Reduction in waste production and management of waste:
2. Reduction of carbon footprint of the institution:
3. Periodic stock-taking, course correction and mitigation efforts:
4. Creating awareness on sustainability issues through outreach activities.
Solar energy
A 25 kW Solar power plant with grid connectivity has been installed in the roof of 'K' Block as part of green energy initiative of the college. The college is currently sourcing 6.9% of its energy needs locally from renewable energy sources. Another 50 kW solar power plant is in the pipeline.
A 25 kW Solar power plant installed in the campus as part of green energy initiative of the college
Sensor-based energy conservation
Water tanks, fitted with float sensors and pumps fitted with timers help in reducing both water and energy wastage and ensure equitable water supply and distribution throughout the campus.
Use of LED Bulbs
Use of LED bulbs
The College is using CFL, LED and star rated power equipment etc. which consume lesser electricity and result in lesser energy utilization. The Madura College procures electrical equipment which have energy star rating as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) standard which ensure relatively lesser consumption of electricity. The College has installed the LED light in corridors for low consumption of energy and replace the old light systems.
Restricted entry of automobiles
As a Green initiative of the college, the college has decided to restrict entry of vehicle beyond the parking space situated at the entrance of the college. Hence, all personal vehicle / hired vehicles are allowed to enter up to the main building only, with the exception of vehicle for differently abled.
Parking area for Vehicles at the entrance
Barricade at the entrance of the college preventing entry of automobiles beyond the parking area to provide the students with unobstructive pedestrian passage.
Use of Tricycles in the campus
Intra-college logistics (such as movement of stationary, examination material, furniture etc.) are taken care using tricycles bought specifically for the purpose. Shifting of garbage for disposal is also done using tricycles.
Pedestrian Friendly pathways
Pedestrian friendly pathways have been paved using fly ash bricks blocks wherever necessary to facilitate easy movement. Barricades have been installed at the entrance of the college to prevent entry of automobiles beyond the parking area to provide the students with unobstructive pedestrian passage.
Pedestrian Friendly pathways
Ban on use of single-use plastic
Plastic waste has emerged as one of the biggest environmental concerns adversely impacting the soil, water, health and well-being of citizens at large. Government has decided to take plastic ban as a national level campaign to address the environmental hazards being and bring attitudinal changes that shun use of plastics as the educational institutions have the unique spread and influence to educate the students and households on the need for avoiding usage of plastics. Therefore the college has decided to promote the use of multi-use utensils made of glass, steel, aluminium etc., instead of single-use plastic items inside the college premises.
Usage of Stainless steel (preventing single use plastic use) Tumbler in college campus
Hoardings at prominent places banning the usage of single-use plastics
Hoardings for plastic free campus
Landscaping with trees and plants
Landscaping with trees and plants
Miyawaki forest at various stages of its development
Energy Audit
Academic Year | Report |
2020-21 | View |
2021-22 | View |
Environmental Audit
Academic Year | Report |
2020-21 | View |
2021-22 | View |
Green Audit
Academic Year | Report |
2020-21 | View |
2021-22 | View |
Miyawaki Forest Zone
Forest cover is being reduced at an alarming rate. Century old trees are being brought down in few hours. This loss is irreversible. In countries like India that are highly vulnerable to climate breakdown, forests are an integral element towards mitigation. Tree cover of almost 1.6 million hectares was lost between 2001 and 2018 in India - nearly four times the geographical area of Goa, according to a study released by the World Resources Institute. But there is a solution to bring back the lost green cover quickly. Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by the Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki for urban afforestation. Under this technique various native species of plants are planted close to each other, which ensures their growth upwards is rapid by receiving sunlight from the top. The approach is supposed to ensure that plant growth is 10 times faster and the resulting plantation is 30 times denser than usual.
The Management of The Madura College jointly with Rotary Club (West) have planted 5500 samples of 110 varieties. The Rotary Club (West) trust contributed 3.5 lakh for this forest and supported the institution for the soil test, regulating the land, procuring the samples and planting it. The forest will be spread out on an area of one acre adjacent to TVS Block and act as green-lung for the region. It will help in promoting the local biodiversity to sustain by planting native species of flora which would also harbor the native fauna. Miyawaki forest is answer to cities which are turning to concrete jungles. Small patch of forests in multiple locations within the city will act as carbon sink for the city.
Student engagement is also an important aspect of this project as workshops will be conducted to train them on soil amendment and the Miyawaki method of plantation. The maintenance and monitoring of the forest will also be done by the students and college staff.
Sl.No | Common Name | Botanical Name | Family |
1. | Toothed leaf limonia | Naringi crenulata | Rutaceae |
2. | Rubber vine | Cryptostegia grandiflora | Apocynaceae |
3. | Fish-killer tree | Barringtonia racemosa | Lecythidaceae |
4. | Water apple | Syzygium samarangense | Myrtaceae |
5. | Asoka tree | Saraca asoca | Caesalpiniaceae |
6. | Peanut butter fruit | Bunchosia argentea | Malpighiaceae |
7. | Pomegranate | Punica granatum | Lythraceae |
8. | Firebush | Hamelia patens | Rubiaceae |
9. | Rudraksham | Elaeocarpus angustifolius | Elaeocarpaceae |
10. | Indian Ash tree | Lannea coromandelica | Anacardiaceae |
11. | Lasora | Cordia dichotoma | Cordiaceae |
12. | Red fig | Ficus carica | Moraceae |
13. | Blue Jacaranda | Jacaranda mimosifolia | Bignoniaceae |
14. | Black portia | Thespesia populnea | Malvaceae |
15. | Common Mallow | Thespesia lampas | Malvaceae |
16. | Sea grape | Coccoloba uvifera | Polygonaceae |
17. | Conocarpus | Conocarpus erectus | Combretaceae |
18. | Beggars bowl | Crescentia alata | Bignoniaceae |
19. | Ficus | Ficus aurata | Moraceae |
20. | Travelers’s palm | Ravinala madagascariensis | Musaceae |
21. | Milkwood | Alstonia macrophylla | Apocynaceae |
22. | Child-life tree | Putranjiva roxburghii | Putranjivaceae |
23. | Divi divi | Caesalpinia coriarea | Caesalpiniaceae |
24. | Kaim | Mitragyna parvifolia | Rubiaceae |
25. | Gian crepe-myrtle | Lagerstroemia speciosa | Lythraceae |
26. | Rosy trumpet tree | Tabebuia rosea | Bignoniaceae |
27. | Sappan wood | Beancaea sappan | Mimosaceae |
28. | African Locust tree | Parkia biglandulosa | Mimosaceae |
29. | Turkey Berry | Solanum torvum | Solanaceae |
30. | Beach Gardenia | Guettarda speciosa | Rubiaceae |
31. | Indan Aloewood | Aquilaria malaccensis | Thymelaeaceae |
32. | Mexican Lilac | Gliricidia sepium | Fabaceae |
33. | Terminalia metaly | Terminalia metallica | Combretaceae |
34. | Dyer’s oleander | Wrightia tinctoria | Apocynaceae |
35. | Yellow oleander | Cascabela thevetia | Apocynaceae |
36. | Ghaf tree | Prosopis cinerea | Mimosaceae |
37. | West Indian Cherry | Malpighia glabra | Malpighiaceae |
38. | West Indian pea | Sesbania grandiflora | Fabaceae |
39. | Indian Elm tree | Holoptelea integrifolia | Ulmaceae |
40. | Areca nut | Areca catechu | Arecaceae |
41. | Bamboo | Bambusa arundinacea | Poaceae |
42. | Silk cotton tree | Ceiba pentandra | Malvaceae |
43. | Beechwood | Gmelina arborea | Verbenaceae |
44. | Mahogany | Swietenia macrophylla | Meliaceae |
45. | Malabar Neem | Melia dubia | Meliaceae |
46. | Arjun tree | Terminalia arjuna | Combretaceae |
47. | Indian Siris | Albizia lebbeck | Mimosaceae |
48. | Indian Mast tree | Monoon longifolium | Annonaceae |
49. | Rosewood | Dalbergia latifolia | Fabaceae |
50. | Silver oak | Grevillea robusta | Proteaceae |
51. | Paradise tree | Simarouba glauca | Simaroubaceae |
52. | Teak | Tectona grandis | Verbenaceae |
53. | Belliric Myrobalan | Terminalia bellirica | Combretaceae |
54. | Andaman redwood | Pterocarpus marsupium | Fabaceae |
55. | Sisso | Dalbergia sissoo | Fabaceae |
56. | Jamun tree | Syzygium cuminii | Myrtaceae |
57. | Red sanders | Pterocarpus santalinus | Myrtaceae |
58. | African mahogany | Khaya senegalensis | Meliaceae |
59. | Big silk cotton | Bombox ceiba | Malvaceae |
60. | Cinnamon | Cinnamomum malabatrum | Lauraceae |
61. | Prickly custard apple | Annona muricata | Annonaceae |
62. | Flame of the forest | Butea monosperma | Fabaceae |
63. | Gulmohar | Delonix regia | Caesalpiniaceae |
64. | Cashew | Anacardium occidentale | Anacardiaceae |
65. | Green Champa | Artabotrys hexapetalus | Annonaceae |
66. | Black pepper | Piper nigrum | Piperaceae |
67. | Ebony wood | Diopyros ebenum | Ebenaceae |
68. | Pink shower | Cassia javanica | Caesalpiniaceae |
69. | Cherry | Prunus avium | Rosaceae |
70. | Indian butter tree | Madhuca longifolia | Sapotaceae |
71. | Spanish cherry | Mimusops elengi | Sapotaceae |
72. | Orchid tree | Bauhinia variegata | Caesapliniaceae |
73. | Indian Coral tree | Erythrina grandiflora | Fabaceae |
74. | Cannonball tree | Gouropita guianensis | Lecythidaceae |
75. | Indian cork tree | Millingtonia hortensis | Bignoniaceae |
76. | Indian beech tree | Pongamia pinnata | Fabaceae |
77. | Alexandrian laural | Calophyllum inophyllum | Calophyllaceae |
78. | Golden shower | Cassia fistula | Caesalpiniaceae |
79. | Champak tree | Magnolia champaca | Magnoliaceae |
80. | Yellow flame tree | Peltophorum pterocarpum | Caesalpiniaceae |
81. | Rain tree | Samanea saman | Mimosaceae |
82. | African Tulip tree | Spathodea campanulata | Bignoniaceae |
83. | Sacred Fig tree | Ficus religiosa | Moraceae |
84. | Cluster Fig | Ficus racemosa | Moraceae |
85. | Banyan | Ficus benghalensis | Moraceae |
86. | Curry leaf | Murraya koenigii | Rutaceae |
87. | Common jujube | Zizhiphus jujuba | Rhamnaceae |
88. | Guava | Psidium guajava | Myrtaceae |
89. | Jack fruit | Artocarpus heterophyllus | Moraceae |
90. | Madras thorn | Pithecellobium dulce | Mimosaceae |
91. | Mango | Mangifera indica | Anacardiaceae |
92. | Neem | Azadirachta indica | Meliaceae |
93. | Indian Mulberry | Morinda citrifolia | Rubiaceae |
94. | Ceylon wood | Manilkara hexandra | Sapotaceae |
95. | Sandal wood | Santalum album | Santalaceae |
96. | Sapodilla | Manilkara zapota | Sapotaceae |
97. | Custard apple | Annona squamosa | Annonaceae |
98. | Singapore Cherry | Muntingia calabura | Malvaceae |
99. | Tamarind | Tamarindus indica | Caesalpiniaceae |
100. | Wood apple | Limonia acidissima | Rutaceae |
101. | Stone apple | Aegle marmelos | Rutaceae |
102. | Indian Almond | Terminalia catappa | Combretaceae |
103. | Hairy Fig | Ficus hispida | Moraceae |
104. | Star gooseberry | Phyllanthus acidus | Phyllanthaceae |
105. | Indian gooseberry | Phyllanthus emblica | Phyllanthaceae |
106. | Acid lime | Citrus aurantifolia | Rutaceae |
107. | Henna tree | Lawsonia inermis | Lythraceae |
108. | Chinese Chaste | Vitex negundo | Verbenaceae |
109. | Tree of sadness | Nyctanthes arbor-tristis | Oleaceae |
110. | Charcoal tree | Trema orientalis | Cannabaceae |
Spirulina Cultivation
Background Information
Spirulina is derived from the Latin word "spiral". Spirulina is a microalgae plankton vegetable food which is both ancient and new. It has recently been receiving much attention as a health food which has a high nutritive value and has been well tested in Japan for its medical benefits. It has been utilized as an everyday food in both Mexico and Africa since ancient times and with the modernization of the food industry it is today being added daily to foods such as cheese, soup, seaweed (nor), ice cream, chocolate, and grains. In particular the Mexican government in 1973 approved and licensed Spirulina through the equivalent of its FDA as an edible foodstuff after testing it for palatability and toxicity and recommending it for daily use in the home. Moreover, in France, palatability tests are now being conducted along with other efforts to give Spirulina its place in modern food processing.
The cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis can be cultivated autotrophically for the production of biomass with high protein content. Technologically it exhibits advantages in the methods of cultivation. Among these, the capability to grow under alkaline and highly salty conditions is an important factor in the prevention of external contamination, while the easy separation of biomass from the cultivation medium, because of its spiral form and large size, reduces the costs of its recovery.
Spirulina requires less energy input per kilo than soy, corn or beef, including solar and generated energy. Its energy efficiency is 5 times higher than soy, 2 times higher than corn, and over 100 times higher than grain-fed beef.
Composition of Spirulina
Spirulina is very high in protein, very low in calories and cholesterol, and high in minerals (iron, calcium, sodium and magnesium), and phenolic acids, which have antioxidant properties. It is a complete protein source since it contains almost all the essential amino acids (the ones we cannot synthesize by ourselves), though with reduced amounts of methionine, cysteine, and lysine when compared to the proteins of meat, eggs, and milk. It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as that from legumes. It offers good digestibility and a low nucleic acid concentration (smaller that 5%).Besides, it contains vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, polyunsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, and other antioxidants.
Spirulina Cultivation Unit in the Madura College
Spirulina Cultivation Unit in the Madura College was funded by Madura College Board and maintained by The Department of Biotechnology. Three tanks were constructed. The tank 1 was first inoculated on 24th March 2022. The mother inoculum of Spirulina platentis was received from S S Biotech, Andarkottaram with which MoU was signed. The students of the
Biotechnology department are trained to maintain the culture, right from the media preparation, maintaining the culture, harvest and preserving the biomass. III B.Sc., students on a turn duty maintain the culture. On 01.04.2022 the production media was added to the tank 1 based on the wet biomass. Subsequently the 2nd and 3rd tank were inoculated and maintained. The students also monitor the pH of the culture and maintain it at pH 9.5 to 10.5.
Fig.1. Preparation of Zarrouk’s media by the students in the Tank-1
Fig.2: Inoculation of mother inoculum into the Tank-1 by UG Biotechnology students
Fig.3: Fully grown Spirulina
Fig.4. Harvesting of Spirulina by students
Fig.5. Powdered Spirulina
Awareness program
To create an awareness among the students that Spirulina is edible and could be taken as a supplement or be added to any food in small quantity. Mushroom soup was prepared, sprinkled with Spirulina powder and served to all the students.
Soup sprinkled with Spirulina
Upon continuous maintenance of the tank the students, faced many challenges to maintain the culture. The challenges were both biotic and abiotic factors. The factors such as rainfall and acute summer drastically reduced the yield. The biotic challenges are rodents, and insects. To control the mosquito breeding, a wooden frame with a net was set. Every day in the evening the tank is closed with the net.
Environmental Benefits
Among the different strategies for mitigating CO2, biological CO2 mitigation through microalgae has recently received considerable attention due to their higher CO2 fixation capability and bioactive substances contained in their biomass. Spirulina being a photosynthetic organism are potent CO2 fixers.
Future Prospect
- Has to check the quality of Spirulina as food supplement.
- To motivate students to undertake projects with Spirulina – anti bacterial , anti- oxidant etc.
- To organise extension activities – to conduct workshops to students of other departments and other SHG women.
Glass (green) House
Department of botany has been blessed with Glass house by the full funding, approximately @ cost of Rs. 12 Lakhs, of Madura College Board. The dimension of the Glass House (GH) is 34 X 15 X 10 foot as length, breath and height respectively. Inside the GH, a cool chamber with bamboo sticks have been built (6 X 6 X 8). In addition to these, platforms are made using black stone-slabs.
This wonderful facility has its own speciality in providing conditioned environment to grow plants of various diversity ranging from Algae to Angisoperms. Drastic reduction of temperature, regulated airflow and filtered light prevailing inside this chamber, help both faculty and students to grow different aspects of crops of interest.
Further, pathological, physiological and breeding studies, culturing of mushrooms etc., can also be effectively carried out using this GH.
Plants growing in different climatic conditions, particularly temperate plants, can be maintained without much recurring expenditure in this GH. Thus, this GH acts as a green energy house too.
It is a space ought to be created, maintained and utilized by Botany Departments and hence this facility will be of use to all stakeholders who are interested in the explorations of plants.